Welcome back you Girlies! We are here with another post on our #thesewingmachinebefab series on Eating Healthy. Today we are going to touch upon DETOX.

As you all know that Detox or Detoxification removes unwanted & harmful toxic substances from our body. Once the detox is done it helps the body function better. How? Think of a drain or a washbasin which is clogged. Its smelly & dirty & also prevents new dirt from flowing out of it. Same way our body gets clogged with all that we put into it: Food, Drinks, Smoking etc & thus becomes smelly dirty drain. Garbage in but no Garbage out.
SO to get all this Garbage out of our bodies, we need to detox regularly. Sharing with you all some very simple & easy to do detox processes in a liquid form. They are all natural & can be done anytime & anywhere.
Lemon & Water: You can either do this every morning with a glass of water & a lemon squeezed in OR you can fill a jug of water, put some lemon slices in it & keep sipping it throughout the day. The lemon will give you a nice flavour along with its numerous properties. Also saves you from the boring plain water routine
Milk & Turmeric: Another very good way to detox naturally is adding a inch of turmeric powder or haldi to your cup of milk. Dont add too much as then you will feel the particles in your mouth. Just a little bit added & stirred well & you are good to go. Do this once daily or atleast thrice a week.
Green Tea: Yes yes, we have read about Green Tea many times & yes you have to read it again. Simple. It actually works. The detox will show on your skin & your tummy. Take it from a regular user. It also saves you from the whole milk & sugar nonsense. Smells heavenly & comes in many flavours like Mint, tulsi, citrus etc.
Plain Warm Water: A glass of plain warm water sipped slowly & over a period of time helps flush out all toxins from your body. The warm water loosens the toxins or mucus accumulated in our various body parts & helps the body flush them out. So grab that glass of warm water again.
Water with Tulsi: Tulsi has been used in ayurveda since times immemorial & is still going strong. Add it to a cup of warm water or a jug of plain water & sip through. It rejuvenates you like no other drink.

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